Dundrum Central Part 10
In accordance with Section 175(4) and Section 177AE(4) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in partnership with The Land Development Agency, gives notice of its intention to make an application for approval to An Bord Pleanála under Section 175(3) and Section 177AE(3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) for a ten year approval to carry out the following proposed development which is located on a total application site area of c. 9.7 ha, located on the former Central Mental Hospital, Dundrum Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 and areas of Dundrum Road and St. Columbanus Road, Dublin 14. The subject site is in the immediate setting and curtilage of a number of protected structures, namely the ‘Asylum’ (RPS No. 2072), the ‘Catholic Chapel’ (RPS No. 2071) and the ‘Hospital Building’ (RPS No. 2073).
The development will consist of the construction of a residential scheme of 934 no. dwellings on an overall site of c. 9.7 ha.
The development will consist of the demolition of existing structures associated with the existing use (3,677 sq m), including:
• Single storey former swimming pool / sports hall and admissions unit (2,750 sq m);
• Two storey redbrick building (305 sq m);
• Single storey ancillary and temporary structures including portacabins (618sq m);
• Removal of existing internal sub-divisions/ fencing, including removal of security fence at Dundrum Road entrance;
• Demolition of section of porch and glazed screens at Gate Lodge building (4 sq m);
• Removal of walls adjacent to Main Hospital Building;
• Alterations and removal of section of wall to Walled Garden.
The development will also consist of alterations and partial demolition of the perimeter wall, including:
• Alterations and removal of section of perimeter wall adjacent to Rosemount Green (south);
• Formation of a new opening in perimeter wall at Annaville Grove to provide a pedestrian and cyclist access;
• Alterations and removal of sections of wall adjacent to Dundrum Road (including removal of existing gates and entrance canopy), including reduction in height of section, widening of existing vehicular access, and provision of a new vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian access;
• Alterations and removal of section of perimeter wall adjacent to Mulvey Park to provide a pedestrian and cyclist access.
The development with a total gross floor area of c. 94,058 sq m (c. 93,980 sq m excluding retained existing buildings), will consist of 934 no. residential units comprising:
• 926 no. apartments (consisting of 342 no. one bedroom units; 98 no. two bedroom (3 person) units; 352 no. two bedroom (4 person) units; and 134 no. three bedroom units) arranged in 9 blocks (Blocks 02-10) ranging between 2 and 8 storeys in height (with a lower ground floor to Blocks 02 and Block 10 and Basements in Blocks 03 and 04), together with private balconies and private terraces and communal amenity open space provision (including courtyards) and ancillary residential facilities, including an 130 sq m internal residential amenity area at the Ground Floor Level of Block 3;
• 6 no. three bedroom duplex apartments located at Block 02, together with private balconies and terraces.
• 2 no. 5 bedroom assisted living units and private rear gardens located at Block 02.
The development will also consist of 4,380 sq m of non-residential uses, comprising:
• Change of use and renovation of existing single storey Gate Lodge building (former reception/staff area) to provide a café unit (78 sq m);
• 1 no. restaurant unit (266 sq m) located at ground floor level at Block 03;
• 3 no. retail units (1,160 sq m) located at ground floor level at Blocks 03 and 07;
• 1 no. medical unit (288 sq m) located at ground floor level at Block 02;
• A new childcare facility (716 sq m) and associated outdoor play area located at lower ground and ground floor level at Block 10;
• A management suite (123 sq m) located at ground floor level at Block 10; and
• A new community centre facility, including a multi-purpose hall, changing rooms, meeting rooms, storage and associated facilities (1,749 sq m) located at ground and first floor level at Block 06.
Vehicular access to the site will be from a new signalised access off Dundrum Road to the south of the existing access and the existing access off Dundrum Road will be retained for emergency vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist access only. The development will also consist of the provision of public open space and related play areas; hard and soft landscaping including internal roads, cycle and pedestrian routes, active travel routes for cyclists and pedestrians, pathways and boundary treatments, street furniture, wetland features, part-basement, car parking (524 no. spaces in total, including car sharing and accessible spaces); motorcycle parking; electric vehicle charging points; bicycle parking (long and short stay spaces including stands); ESB substations, piped infrastructural services and connections (including connection into existing surface water sewer in St. Columbanus Road); ducting; plant (including external plant for Air Source Heat Pumps and associated internal heating plantrooms); waste management provision; SuDS measures (including green roofs, blue roofs, bio-retention areas); attenuation tanks; sustainability measures (including solar panels); signage; public lighting; any making good works to perimeter wall and all site development and excavation works above and below ground.